written by Irenerose Beatrice Susi
“The key to successful leadership today is influence, not authority.” – Kenneth Blanchard
LEADERSHIP is one of the few traits that are hardest to define. Every definition offered almost always falls short in its meaning. Even the Webster Dictionary’s definition, that is, “guidance” does not even come close to its distinctness. This is so because Leadership, per se, is an attitude...it is a state of being... “One leads by example”, so they say.
In order to have a grasp of the meaning of Leadership, one should not focus on what leadership is, but rather on the LEADER and the kind FOLLOWERS the leader is leading. Responsibility or “RESPONSE-ABLE, is one. The true leader is able to respond. He serves...serves people in their best interest, not because he wants to be popular, nor wanting to impress, but because he is motivated by CONCERN rather than by personal glory.
A true leader has the heart of a CUSTODIAN or a STEWARD. He performs the task of watching over that which was entrusted to him and by those who will benefit from it. It is not control, or ownership, but a state of inspiring or even empowering others to reach their potential. He becomes a catalyst to enable people to move roadblocks out of their way and hold the course for the benefit of all. And to do this, he should maintain his vision and faith in what his ideals are, what his beliefs are, and what he hopes for, and be the model or the example everyone should follow.
In reality, true leadership is and has always been a selfless action. It involves taking yourself out of the picture and considers the needs of others. It is a way of thinking that takes other people into account even when your own needs are pressing. It asks what is right or best in the wider interest of all.
Clearly, leadership is an issue that affects all of us. Everybody is called to exercise it. How might we answer this question in a world that has seemingly grown unmanageable? Today our world is faced with serious, even life-threatening problems of a global nature, morality has decline, and respect for human life has eroded. Where will we find the wisdom necessary to curb modern civilization's most pressing dilemmas? Everyone...and everybody! Everyone is called to be involved in issues concerning government or business, guiding young minds, leading a family, standing for what is right or good, everyone has a leadership role to play. All of us are pushed into many different leadership roles again and again, throughout our lives. All of us are called upon to be custodians of what is right and good, lasting and of value, for the benefit of those who are in our care, and that is every one! Leadership is everyone’s business.