Thursday, October 28, 2010

Education is LIFE

written by Irenerose Susi

The youth is the hope of our future. They will be the next generation who will help in nation building. They should be trained and given the right education as this is essential the performances of their duties and responsibilities in the future. They will be the future doctors, future lawyers, future leaders.... who will lead the country. The future of the nation will be safe in the hands of the educated youth.
Article XIV, Section 1 of our Constitution states that “the state shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality education at all levels and shall take appropriate steps to make such education accessible to all.” Our government provides public education for free, but because of poverty, not all children can afford other expenses needed such as transportation fares, school uniforms, school supplies and other miscellaneous fees.
“Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself.” It is a continuing process. Graduating from school does not mean stopping from learning. Like life, it is also a continuous learning. To gain knowledge is education. All of us may face good or bad experiences. And being learned helps us how to make decisions and accept failures and successes.
Being educated can make a difference. It can help in eradicating family. Great knowledge allows people to be more productive, to play a greater role in economic life and to earn a better living. Education is essential in economic development.
“Ipsa scientia potestas est”- Knowledge itself is power. It helps create a clear picture of everything around us and eradicating confusion. It gives us satisfactory answers to all questions. It helps analyze questionable beliefs and could lead us to enlightenment.
More importantly, education makes us different from other forms of animals. It teaches us the right behaviour, the good manners, the values. It teaches us how to lead our lives, it teaches us how to be fair and just in our dealings with our fellowmen. Education is conscience.

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